37. Coding the Observation Model

The final individual model we will implement is the observation model. The observation model accepts the pseudo range vector from the previous assignment, an observation vector (from vehicle sensors), and returns the observation model probability. Ultimately, we will multiply this by the motion model probability, then normalize to produce the belief state for the current time step.

The starter code below steps through each pseudo position x, calls the observation_model function and prints the results to standout. To complete this exercise fill in the observation_model function .

To implement the observation_model function we must do the following for each pseudo position x:

  • For each observation:
    • determine if a pseudo range vector exists for the current pseudo position x
    • if the vector exists, extract and store the minimum distance, element 0 of the sorted vector, and remove that element (so we don't re-use it). This will be passed to norm_pdf
    • if the pseudo range vector does not exist, pass the maximum distance to norm_pdf
    • use norm_pdf to determine the observation model probability
    • return the total probability

Start Quiz:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "helpers.h"

using std::vector;

// function to get pseudo ranges
vector<float> pseudo_range_estimator(vector<float> landmark_positions, 
                                     float pseudo_position);

// observation model: calculate likelihood prob term based on landmark proximity
float observation_model(vector<float> landmark_positions, 
                        vector<float> observations, vector<float> pseudo_ranges,
                        float distance_max, float observation_stdev);

int main() {  
  // set observation standard deviation:
  float observation_stdev = 1.0f;

  // number of x positions on map
  int map_size = 25;

  // set distance max
  float distance_max = map_size;

  // define landmarks
  vector<float> landmark_positions {5, 10, 12, 20};

  // define observations
  vector<float> observations {5.5, 13, 15};

  // step through each pseudo position x (i)
  for (int i = 0; i < map_size; ++i) {
    float pseudo_position = float(i);

    // get pseudo ranges
    vector<float> pseudo_ranges = pseudo_range_estimator(landmark_positions, 

    //get observation probability
    float observation_prob = observation_model(landmark_positions, observations, 
                                               pseudo_ranges, distance_max, 
    //print to stdout
    std::cout << observation_prob << std::endl; 

  return 0;

// TODO: Complete the observation model function
// calculates likelihood prob term based on landmark proximity
float observation_model(vector<float> landmark_positions, 
                        vector<float> observations, vector<float> pseudo_ranges, 
                        float distance_max, float observation_stdev) {
  float distance_prob;

  return distance_prob;

vector<float> pseudo_range_estimator(vector<float> landmark_positions, 
                                     float pseudo_position) {
  // define pseudo observation vector
  vector<float> pseudo_ranges;
  // loop over number of landmarks and estimate pseudo ranges
  for (int l=0; l< landmark_positions.size(); ++l) {
    // estimate pseudo range for each single landmark 
    // and the current state position pose_i:
    float range_l = landmark_positions[l] - pseudo_position;

    // check if distances are positive: 
    if (range_l > 0.0f) {

  // sort pseudo range vector
  sort(pseudo_ranges.begin(), pseudo_ranges.end());

  return pseudo_ranges;

#include <math.h>

class Helpers {
  // definition of one over square root of 2*pi:
  constexpr static float STATIC_ONE_OVER_SQRT_2PI = 1/sqrt(2*M_PI);

   * normpdf(X,mu,sigma) computes the probability function at values x using the
   * normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation std. x, mu and 
   * sigma must be scalar! The parameter std must be positive. 
   * The normal pdf is y=f(x,mu,std)= 1/(std*sqrt(2pi)) e[ -(x−mu)^2 / 2*std^2 ]
  static float normpdf(float x, float mu, float std) {
    return (STATIC_ONE_OVER_SQRT_2PI/std)*exp(-0.5*pow((x-mu)/std,2));